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Cambridge Cheminformatics Meeting: Video 2 Sep; Registration 25 Nov 2020; 2021 Dates

Recording of 2 September 2020 Meeting

Dear All,

The recording of the Cambridge Cheminformatics Meeting on 2 September, covering the contributions

“Towards Using Deep Generative Models for Structure-Based Design”
Morgan ThomasCentre for Molecular Informatics, University of Cambridge, and Sosei Heptares


“Expanding connectivity between documents, structures and bioactivity”
Chris Southan, TW2Informatics

is now available at this address: (1:25:12).

Registration for 25 November 2020

Also registration for the next meeting on 25 November, at 4pm UK time is now open – currently confirmed is a talk on the topic of model validation, taking into account that one does not only want to ‘re-discover’ what is known already, but where it is not trivial to evaluate a model to achieve this (see also this recent interview with the presenter on the topic):

“Assessing the frontier: Active learning, model accuracy, and multi-objective candidate discovery and optimization”

Zachary del Rosario, Olin College.

Registration via Zoom is open at this address:

1-2 speaker slots for the meeting on 25 November (as well as generally future meetings; dates for 2021 to be confirmed shortly) are still available – if you wish to present on this or a future occasion please just let me know (see contact above).

2021 Cambridge Cheminformatics Meeting Dates

The dates for our meetings for 2021 are now available, with a program throughout the year to be delivered via Zoom (given the excellent attendance and opportunity worldwide to participate) – please note the following in your calendar:

10 February 2021, 4pm (UK time), via Zoom
2 June 2021, 4pm (UK time), via Zoom
1 September 2021, 4pm (UK time), via Zoom
24 November 2021, 4pm (UK time), via Zoom

We will also have two meetings physically in Cambridge (the situation permitting), on the following dates (locations TBC)

  • 21 April 2021
  • 13 October 2021

As above – if you would like to present at any of our meetings please just let me know, cheers!


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